Every counsel table is equipped with VGA and HDMI connectivity that integrates with the court’s AV infrastructure. This allows the presenter to connect selected electronic devices (such as laptops, media players, etc.) directly into the courtroom system without the need of additional equipment. Please note that the Court will not provide any additional equipment, including laptop/computer, cable and/or adapter.
Digital Evidence Presentation Carts (DEP Carts) are available to aid counsel in the presentation of evidence during any contested hearing where evidence is presented. The following policy has been established to provide guidance on the reserving and use of the equipment.
1. DEP Carts feature a built in DVD/VCR player, an ELMO, and a VGA computer input.
2. The carts will only be available for use during any contested hearing where evidence is presented and will be on a first come, first serve basis.
3. A DEP request can be made through the court’s website at: http://www.yolo.courts.ca.gov/general-info/evidence-presentation.
4. The request must be made 2 business days in advance of the date but no more than one week prior to the hearing date. There is no guarantee that an evidence cart will be available. The court has discretion to refuse a request if the requestor has a history of making a request and not notifying IS using the email address provided when the hearing has been cancelled or continued.
5. IS will be responsible for moving the carts to departments as requested.
6. The Court makes no representations or warranties that any counsel-provided media (e.g. DVD) and/or device will be compatible by the any of the Court’s AV equipment.
7. Cart availability may vary depending on pre-scheduled use by other parties, Court departments, or system maintenance. There is no guarantee that an evidence cart will be available.
If there are any questions regarding use of technology in the courtroom, you may direct your questions to courtinfo@yolo.courts.ca.gov.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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