Need some help with some of the hot topics in learning within the Legal Industry? Did you know that LPI offers Webinars on Demand?
A few of the live webinars coming up are Social Media Investigations: Don’t Miss the Boat, where our speaker will discuss various ethical issues and legal requirements relating to social media and the law; Spotlight on Appeals will offer insight into the appellate process, beginning with the filing of the notice of appeal through a petition for review and everything in between; and Insurance Fraud: A Billion Dollar Business focusing on various insurance fraud and labor code-related offenses.
If you can’t make the scheduled webinar during the day, then check out our full library of the recorded webinars available for purchase. Civil Case Life Cycle presented by attorney Frederick C. Crombie is a go-to webinar for those needing a refresher as well as the Recent Criminal Law Updates presented by Judge Jeff Mangar if you need to stay on top of the continual changes in the laws.
There are many live presentations as well as recorded webinars to help you keep up on the latest in Legal Procedures in California.
To learn more about these learning opportunities, please visit our website at www.LegalProfessionalsInc.org. You can find our upcoming webinars in the Events Calendar. Or you can click on ‘Past Webinars for Sale’ tab at the bottom of the home page. You will find a variety of learning opportunities for the California Legal Professional.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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