The Ventura County Veterans Treatment Court will hold its fifth annual Recognition Ceremony on Friday, November 9, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 22 of the Hall of Justice. The event is open to the public and the media. All current participants and past graduates of the program are invited to attend. During the event, a special dedication ceremony will be held to rename Veterans Court after Retired Judge Colleen Toy White. Judge White was a key member of the Veterans Court team that led to the program’s inception in 2010. “Judge White used her personal courage, compassion and heart to make our Veterans Court into the success it is today,” stated Gold Coast Veterans Foundation Chairman Ronald Greenwood. “Judge White is the soul and conscience of the Veterans Court. Every Veterans Court graduate is the beneficiary of her service and commitment.” Veterans Court hears criminal cases involving veterans who may be suffering physical and/or psychological trauma such as post traumatic stress disorders or substance issues, as a result of his or her military service. Depending on the nature of the criminal case, participants found to be eligible and suitable may be entitled to being place on a diversion program that can result in the case being dismissed, or eligible for a special consideration based on their past military service at time of sentencing. Participants are subject to supervision by the probation department, must participate and complete a treatment plan, along with periodic court reviews.
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