The Ventura Superior Court will celebrate “Court Adoption and Permanency Month” during the month of November.
An Adoption and Foster Care Information Fair will be held at the Pacific View Mall, on the first floor near Macys, in Ventura on Saturday, November 3, 2018, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Members of the community are invited to attend and speak with representatives from organizations that provide services and support to foster and adoptive parents.
In addition, a special adoption calendar will be held on Friday, November 16, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom J4 at the Juvenile Courthouse in El Rio. Adoptions will be finalized for several children and Certificates of Family Membership will be presented. The Juvenile Courthouse is located at the Judge Steven Z. Perren Juvenile Justice Complex, 4353 E. Vineyard Avenue, El Rio. The event is open to the public and the media.
On behalf of the Judicial Council of California, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye has proclaimed November as a month dedicated to further improving the administration of justice for proceedings involving children and families. On October 30, 2018, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors presented the Ventura Superior Court with a Resolution proclaiming November 2018 as Adoption and Permanency Month in Ventura County. The Ventura Superior Court will place a strong emphasis on permanency planning and adoptions throughout the month.
Nearly half a million incidents of child abuse and neglect are reported each year in California. More than 21,000 children enter foster care each year, and almost 60,000 children are living apart from their families in out-ofhome care. Nearly 40 percent of the children in foster care in California have been away from their families for more than two years. Twenty-two percent of the youth in care are transitional-age youth aged 16 to 20, with over 8,000 under juvenile court jurisdiction and deserving of permanent and stable homes. Of the more than 28,000 children leaving foster care in 2017, 49 percent were reunited with their families, 24 percent were adopted, and eleven percent achieved permanence through legal guardianships, including nearly 1,400 in relative guardianships.
Individuals interested in obtaining information on adoptions may contact the County of Ventura Human Services Agency at (805) 240-2700 and ask for the Adoptions Officer of the Day.
Services include medically supervised care, counseling, drug and alcohol treatment, and veteran peer group support. An assigned Veterans Administration staff member is present in court to assist every participant with accessing appropriate treatment programs and finding housing and job placement. At the time it was established, Ventura County’s Veterans Court was the 42nd such program in the nation. There are now 265 Veterans Courts throughout the United States, including 30 in California. The Veterans Court calendar is heard every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom 37 of the Hall of Justice in Ventura. Eligible veterans can request that their case be assigned to Veterans Court at any stage of their criminal proceedings to determine if the case is eligible and/or suitable for the program. Veterans Court was created and continues as a collaborative effort of the Ventura Superior Court, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Ventura County Military Collaborative and the County of Ventura Offices of the District Attorney, Public Defender, and Probation Agency. The effort to establish a Veterans Court in Ventura County was initiated by the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation in 2010. The court wishes to acknowledge the Martin V. & Martha K. Smith Foundation, the Ventura County Community Foundation, and the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation for their generous funding and support of this program.
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