Friday, June 29, 2018
After a period of public comment, the amendments to the Local Bankruptcy Rules as presented in General Order 190 and 190-A are effective on Sunday, July 1, 2018. A redline version is also available. Specifically, the amendments include changes to Local Bankruptcy Rules 1001-6(c), 3015-6, 4001-3, 7026-1, 9013-3, 9013-6(a), 9013-6(b), and 9013-7(d). Also included is a new Appendix D6 – Guidelines for Declaration in Support of Confirmation of Individual Chapter 11 Combined Plan and Disclosure Statement, which was developed by a joint court/practitioner committee.
In addition, several new or revised CSD forms become effective on July 1, 2018. Generally, they fall into three broad categories: (a) forms with updated language for the Proof of Service, (b) new or revised forms, and (c) changes to the order templates or forms that contain order language. The latter includes revised language on the templates, and most remove the order “certification” text that was previously required by the Local Bankruptcy Rules but was eliminated in the 2015 update to the Local Rules. A zip file containing all of the revised or new forms is available here.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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