Provided they adhere to these policies and procedures, attorneys and parties may appear by telephone in connection with most non-evidentiary hearings. Unless a personal appearance is excused in advance, telephonic appearances are not allowed in the following instances:
1. When the caller cannot minimize background noise or ensure a clear phone signal. Calling from a location where distracting noise interferes with the call may result, in the court’s discretion, in terminating the caller’s participation in the hearing or continuing the hearing. The court may also issue an order preventing the caller from participating in telephonic appearances.
2. Initial Chapter 11 Status Conferences, debtor and debtor’s counsel must appear in person. Others may appear telephonically.
3. Chapter 11 and 12 Confirmation Hearings.
4. Pretrial Conferences (as distinguished from status conferences), trial counsel must appear in person.
5. Trials and Evidentiary Hearings.
6. Any matter designated by the court as requiring a personal appearance.
If the court has issued a tentative ruling or prehearing disposition, each individual who appears telephonically shall have reviewed and shall be familiar with the tentative ruling or prehearing disposition. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes a waiver of the opportunity to appear telephonically at the hearing.
The deadline for scheduling telephonic appearances (see page 2) is independent of the issuance of tentative rulings and prehearing dispositions. Late scheduling of a telephonic appearance is not justified by the fact that tentative rulings or prehearing dispositions have not been posted on the court’s Internet site prior to the deadline for scheduling a telephone appearance.
If an individual who has scheduled a telephonic appearance does not respond to the call of a matter on calendar, the court may pass the matter or may treat the failure to respond as a failure to appear. Scheduling simultaneous telephonic appearances in multiple courts or departments does not excuse a failure to appear when a matter is called on calendar. Individuals making use of the conference call service are cautioned that they do so at their own risk. Hearings generally will not be rescheduled due to missed connections.
You may schedule a telephonic appearance for any division or department by following the telephone or facsimile request instructions outlined below:
By Telephone: Telephone appearances may be arranged by calling Court Call at (866) 582-6878.
By Facsimile: Use the court approved Facsimile Request for Telephonic Appearance Form located under the Calendars section of the court’s web site at www.caeb.uscourts.gov, and send it to Court Call at its facsimile number (866) 533-2946.
Whether arranged by telephone or by facsimile, the telephone appearance must be arranged 24 hours in advance.
Categorized in: Court Notices
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