Thought-provoking programming with expert panels; moving educational Exhibits; poignant oral histories; meaty articles covering a range of topics from gender issues, to water rights, to courthouse histories – the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society has it all – and you can too from the comfort of your own computer! Check out the brand new NJCHS website, www.NJCHS.org. Plus NJCHS programming goes live stream! November 6th join us with Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky; Stanford Profs. Lawrence Friedman and Jane Schacter; and moderator, Hon. Marilyn Hall Patel as they discuss the ramifications for constitutional law and American jurisprudence from the Supreme Court’s December 1942 Korematsu decision upholding the incarceration of Japanese-Americans. Just click on the link below at 6:15 pm (Pacific) on November 6th to watch! https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/live_oral_arguments.php
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