Universal Music Day October 12, 2024

Music has been around since the beginning of mankind, evolving into different forms with the passage of time. It comes in many genres such as classical, rock, country, and can be further divided into sub-genres such as country-pop, alternative rock, etc.

History of Universal Music Day

Music is one of the most creative and universal ways to express ideas, emotions, and opinions, making it an integral part of every culture around the world. It can be played, sung, and most importantly heard, a process by which most of us ordinary folk can truly appreciate music. Music makes life more meaningful, breaking all barriers of cultural, religious, and social distinction, and uniting us like a perfect playlist of rhythmic excellence.

The origin of music has been a subject of long-standing debate. The origin of music has often been related to the origin of language. One of the earliest forms of music was drum-based and percussion instruments fashioned from rocks and sticks. By 4000 B.C. the Egyptians created harps and flutes, and with further advancements, the trumpet came into existence in Denmark around 2500 B.C.

Greece laid the foundations of early classical music, leading to the emergence of Aristotle’s music theory in 350 B.C. The rules of music underwent a drastic change with the onset of the Renaissance, bringing about various new styles of music. The Renaissance age is known for introducing some of the greatest musical composers to have ever lived on this planet.

Since then, music has become the way of life in many cultures, playing important roles in religious and social activities. Ranging from amateur rock bands to church choirs or even the occasional karaoke night out with friends. Music has become ubiquitous in every aspect of our lives. The second Saturday of October is when we all come together and appreciate, but most importantly enjoy this marvelous gift to humanity

Why We Love Universal Music Day

Music is happiness

Research has shown that when you listen to your favorite music, your brain releases dopamine, which helps boost the mood. But we were all already aware of music’s mood-boosting abilities. So play some of your favorite tunes the next time you need to lift your spirits.

Music is a stress-buster

Listening to music helps decrease the levels of stress hormones in your body. Another study suggests that actively participating in activities related to producing music such as playing an instrument or singing can help boost the immune system. So singing along with the radio while you drive back from work might not be such a bad idea after all.

Music helps you eat less

According to research at Georgia Tech University, softening the lighting and music while eating made people consume fewer calories and enjoy their meals more. Be sure to include some music in your diet plan next time you need to shed that holiday weight.

5 Facts About Music That Will Make You Sway

  1. The world’s longest-running performance

The 639-year performance started in 2001, is still running in Germany, and is scheduled to conclude in 2640.

  1. Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé

Mozart sold the most CDs in 2016, beating Grammy winners Adele, Drake, and Beyoncé.

  1. Plants grow faster to music

According to South Korean scientists, plants grow faster when music is played around them.

  1. The most profitable song of all time

‘Happy Birthday’ is the most profitable song bringing millions a year in royalties.

  1. The most expensive musical instrument

In 2011, the ‘Lady Blunt’ Stradivarius violin sold for a world-record $15.9 million.

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