There’s still time to enter the 2017 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest, a high school essay and video competition with more than $7,000 in prizes, plus travel to San Francisco.
To accommodate spring break in many school districts, the deadline for entries in the contest has been extended. Essays and videos are now due by noon (12 p.m.) PDT on Monday, April 24.
The contest theme, “Not to Be Forgotten: Legal Lessons of the Japanese Internment,” relates to events occurring in 1942 following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In studying the Japanese internment, students are asked to consider its relevance today as our nation seeks to protect against terrorism on American soil.
The contest, which is organized by the federal courts of the western United States, is open to young people in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, along with the U.S. Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Students in grades 9-12 in public, private and parochial schools or home-schooled students of equivalent grade status may enter.
Students can enter either or both the essay and video competitions. Essays of 500-1,000 words must be written by an individual student. Videos of 3-5 minutes may be produced by individuals or teams of up to three students. Entries are submitted electronically at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/civicscontest. The website also fully explains the contest rules and judging criteria. A “Resources” page provides numerous informational resources to assist students in researching the Japanese internment.
Prizes of $2,000, $1,000 and $500 will be awarded to the top three finishers in each competition for a total of $7,000. First-place winners along with a parent or guardian will be invited to attend the July 17 opening of the 2017 Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference in San Francisco. In addition to these prizes, students may be eligible to win additional cash prizes in preliminary competitions taking place in several judicial districts that make up the circuit. See “Local Contests” on the website for details.
For more information, contact the Ninth Circuit Office of the Circuit Executive, (415) 355-8973 / civicscontest@ce9.uscourts.gov.
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