Central District of California
Changes to Transcript Fee Rates
The Judicial Conference of the United States approved adjustments to the maximum per-page original and copy transcript fee rates. The following transcript fee rates are effective October 1, 2023, and October 1, 2024.
Click here to learn more.
Temporarily Closing the LA Help Desk Telephone Line
The L.A. Bankruptcy intake telephone line is temporarily closed. The LA Bankruptcy Clinic remains open, as is the online intake form Clinics – Public Counsel).
Individuals seeking referrals to a private attorney may contact Smartlaw at www.smartlaw.org(link is external) or (866) 762-7852.
Click here to learn more.
Eastern District of California
Open Letter to the Bar from Frederick E. Clement, Chief Bankruptcy Judge
Six months ago, or slightly longer ago, we implemented the use of Zoom appearances for routine matters, e.g., law and motion hearings and status conferences. Now that we have been living with this new procedure for a while, it seems appropriate to revisit the issue and ask the bar and the trustees: (1) what is working and what isn’t working; and (2) how can we improve the use of this technology?
Click here to learn more.
Southern District of California
Use of AT&T Telephonic System for Remote Appearance Disconnected
On October 1, 2023, the Court will discontinue the use of the AT&T dial-in service for remote appearances. Please consult the Judge’s page on the website or contact the Courtroom Deputy for information on remote appearances.
Click here to learn more.
Use of Digital Recording for Court Hearings and Trials
On October 1, 2023, the Court will begin using a digital recording system to capture the official record of Court proceedings. Transcripts and audio files for hearings after October 1 will be available as instructed on the Transcripts and Audio webpage. Transcription service companies will be added to the page as they are vetted.
Click here to learn more.
New Transcript Rates October 1, 2023
On October 1, 2023, the maximum rates allowable for transcript production will increase.
Click here to learn more.
WiFi in the Weinberger Courthouse
The courtrooms in the Weinberger Courthouse are now covered by wireless public internet access. All computers have been removed from the courtrooms. WiFi names and passwords are available in the courtrooms.
Click here to learn more.
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