Southern District of California
Notice re Juror Selection Process (Posted July 3, 2023)
The United States District Court for the Southern District of California draws names of prospective jurors from a master wheel created from registered voters, provided by the California Secretary of State, supplemented by the California driver’s license for non-AB60 licenses and state ID information, provided by the California Department of Motor Vehicles for both San Diego and Imperial Counties. Names are selected at random using an automated jury management program. This notice is provided pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1864.
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Amendments to Local Rules: Civil Local Rule 83.8 Non-Appropriated Funds Plan for Administration of the Court Library Fund and Pro Bono Fund (Posted July 12, 2023)–General Order No. 752
a) The Pro Bono Fund must be used for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, necessarily incurred by court-appointed attorneys representing indigents pro bono in civil cases not covered by the Criminal Justice Act, provided that approval for such expenses is first obtained from the magistrate judge assigned the case, or if for any reason the magistrate judge is unavailable, or if the total expenses in the case exceed $1,000.00, the district judge assigned the case. In the event of a showing of extraordinary circumstances, the requirement of prior approval may be waived by the magistrate judge or the district judge.
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