November is National Adoption Month. Counties and communities across California will promote adoption and permanency awareness through activities and events that bring attention to the needs of the children and youth in foster care throughout the state waiting for families to love and adopt them.
Each Thanksgiving, we gather together to give thanks for our families and the good things in life. For thousands of children in foster care, this cherished celebration is just a dream.
In the United States, there are more than 100,000 children in foster care who need permanent, loving families, and many of these youth have been waiting years to be adopted. In California alone, over 53,000 children in foster care are waiting to find families they can call their own.
Trinity Superior Court, in coalition with local, state public and private agencies, will hold an Adoptions Day Event on Friday, November 13, 2015, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the courthouse in Weaverville to increase awareness about the children in our community who are in need of foster care or eligible and waiting for adoption. This meaningful event will honor those who have come forward to transform the lives of children through adoption as well as recognize the many children in Trinity County waiting for forever families. Please come join us and celebrate these forever families and learn about how you can make a difference in the life of a child.
National Adoption Day draws special attention to children in foster care waiting for permanent families and to celebrate all loving families that adopt. Since 2000, National Adoption Day has grown from nine events in its first year to more than 400 events with nearly 44,500 adoptions finalized across the United States in the last twelve years. In 2015, it is hoped that more than 4,000 adoptions from foster care will be finalized nationwide as a result of National Adoption Day.
For more information on how you can help strengthen our community one family at time please attend this important event or call Krista Hymas, Event Coordinator, at 623-8305. Thank you for helping us find permanent, loving families for these waiting children.
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