You’ve heard about the Great Resignation, which was followed by the Great Regret. The latest trend seems to be the Quiet Quit. It actually has nothing to do with quitting your job. Instead, proponents of the “quiet quit” indicate they are renouncing “hustle culture” and the idea of going above and beyond the call of duty at work. For many, the reality is that work is not their life, and self-worth is not defined by a job description. If you are following anything on TikTok, you may have seen a post by zaidleppelin on this very subject.
There are many variations on the “quiet quit.” Some employees have set boundaries against overtime so that there is more time for family. Others are merely coasting, doing just enough to get by. Some say this behavior amounts to “passive-aggressive” behavior in the workplace. Some workers believe they have more power to push back against an employer’s demands given the current strong labor market. Other experts believe that the grievances which lead to quiet quitting can be more productively channeled by forming unions, stating that unions can act as advocates for workers and help to improve the environment in the workplace. Across all generations, employee engagement is falling; however, Gen Z and younger millennials, born after 1989, report the lowest engagement of all. Some employees even set the boundary of not socializing with colleagues.
Employees who have made the decision to “quiet quit” indicate that it is a way to achieve work/life balance and to avoid burnout. The trend, although not exactly new, has become popular during the pandemic as employees began to reimagine what work could look like. They state that they are doing only what their job description requires. And while it may seem like a good idea in the short-term, this behavior could harm your career, and your company, in the long run. It could leave an employee vulnerable to the next reduction in the workforce.
Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report found that job dissatisfaction at work is at an all-time high, and that unhappy workers cost the global economy $7.8 trillion in lost productivity. The decision to step away from “hustle culture” can cause tension between fellow colleagues who may have to pick up the slack. It is possible that those who are choosing to “quiet quit” are just not passionate about the career or job they have chosen. Finding a new job, either at a different company, or within the company, might be a better alternative.
There are companies who are working hard to not have “quiet quitters” in their employ. Some are providing flexibility with remote work, along with on-site perks. Some companies allow their employees to “loudly persist” – to vocalize how the organization can better serve their goals. This allows employees to have a say regarding changes that are being considered by management.
If you search the term “quiet quitting” you will find several articles that may be of interest. Here are links to three of them.
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