San Francisco—Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye today announced, on behalf of the Supreme Court of California, the appointment of Mr. Jorge E. Navarrete, the court’s current Assistant Clerk Administrator, as the twenty-seventh Court Administrator and Clerk of the Supreme Court. The appointment will take effect Saturday, October 1, 2016.
“I am delighted to announce the appointment of one of our long-serving court staff members as the Supreme Court’s new, and first Latino, Court Administrator and Clerk,” stated Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye. “Jorge has been a dedicated public servant for over twenty years and has unique, first-hand experience with every aspect of the court’s operations. His personal story is truly inspiring and reflects the richness and diversity, not only of our bench, but also of the State of California.”
Commenting on his appointment by the court Mr. Navarrete said, “It is a tremendous honor and privilege to have been selected by the court to serve as its twenty-seventh Court Administrator and Clerk. I appreciate the confidence and trust reposed in me by the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the court. Having served three chief justices, twelve associate justices, and three previous court administrators during my twenty years with the court, this appointment truly is the pinnacle of my career and my proudest professional accomplishment.”
See full article at: http://newsroom.courts.ca.gov/news/jorge-e-navarrete-appointed-first-latino-court-administrator-and-clerk-of-the-supreme-court
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