Family Law Judicial Assignment Changes at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse
The Family Law Division has implemented changes to courtroom operations at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles.
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Nation’s Largest Trial Court Partners with Standford Law School’s Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession and Legal Design Lab to Identify Innovative Ways to Expand and Improve Access to Justice
The Superior Court of Los Angeles County is launching a groundbreaking new partnership with Stanford Law School’s Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession and Legal Design Lab to research, design, and implement innovative, evidence-based approaches to reduce barriers to participation in the judicial process and to improve access to justice for all court users, Presiding Judge Samantha P. Jessner announced today.
“As the largest trial court in the nation, we recognize that the work our judicial officers and court staff do every day in courtrooms, clerk’s offices, and self-help centers has broad societal implications that impact every facet of life for residents of Los Angeles County,” Presiding Judge Jessner said. “Through this unprecedented partnership, we plan to leverage the talents and expertise of the research team at Stanford Law to uncover barriers that may impede access to justice and implement new data-informed policies and procedures that deepen our commitment to the Court’s core mission: providing equal access to justice through the fair, timely and efficient resolution of all cases.”
Click here to learn more.
Family Law Judicial Assignment Changes at the Torrance Courthouse
The Family Law Division has implemented changes to courtroom operations effective January 29, 2024, at the Torrance Courthouse, located at 825 Maple Avenue, Torrance.
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Probate and Civil Divisions Announce Courtroom Changes at Stanley Mosk and Governor George Deukmejian (Long Beach) Courthouses
The Probate and Civil Divisions have plans to make changes to courtroom operations as outlined in this official notice.
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New Electronic Filing Procedure for Proposed Orders in Civil Division Cases Effective February 5th (Corrected Version)
Beginning February 5, all parties electronically filing (eFiling) proposed orders for Civil Division cases, except for small claims cases, must submit the proposed order as both a Portable Document File (PDF) and as a separate editable word-processing file, such as a Microsoft Word document, in the same eFiling envelope.
Click here to learn more.
Family Law Judicial Assignment Change at the Pasadena Courthouse
Effective February 5, the Family Law Division has implemented a change to courtroom operations at the Pasadena Courthouse, located at 300 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena.
Click here to learn more.
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