Beginning October 1, 2015, the 18-month traffic violator amnesty program authorizes individuals with past-due court-ordered debt related to traffic infractions and owed prior to January 1, 2013, to have their outstanding delinquent debt reduced by either 50 or 80 percent when they meet specified eligibility criteria. The traffic amnesty program also allows an individual whose driver’s license was suspended as a result of a Failure to Appear or Failure to Pay to reinstate their license. Participants in the amnesty program must agree to pay off the reduced amount or sign up for a payment plan. In the event that individuals do not fulfill the terms of their payment plans, the contract includes authorization for the Franchise Tax Board to implement wage garnishment to fulfill the terms of the agreement. For all participants, the court may charge a $50 amnesty administrative fee to cover upfront costs associated with operating the traffic amnesty program.

For more information regarding the Amnesty Program –

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