Get Ready! E‐filing is coming to Sonoma County Superior Court!
Sonoma County Superior Court invites you to participate in an eFiling educational program.
Wednesday June 12, 2019
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
at Sonoma County Law Library, 2604 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Education Session
Please join us for a one hour presentation on eFileCA. The goal of this session is to educate and prepare attorneys and others on the new eFiling system which will allow court users to file documents in real‐time from any location. The presentation will consist of a basic overview of the eFiling system, an introduction to Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSP) and how to select an EFSP that suits your needs. The session will also cover topics such as how to eFile, the costs associated with eFiling, and common reasons for rejection.
Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) Fair
Participants will have an opportunity to meet with a variety of vendors. During this time, participants can ask questions related to costs, technical support and training. By the end of the session, you will have all of the information you need to make an informed decision regarding which EFSP best fits your business needs!
We are excited to announce the eFiling launch is coming soon. Please come and see what this new solution has to offer.
There will be additional educational opportunities to get your office ready for e‐filing. Stay tuned!
Categorized in: Court Notices
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