Santa Clara County Superior Court Judges celebrate national Constitution Day with over than 1,500 students.
In celebration of Constitution Day (September 17th), Judges from the Superior Court of California will be visiting over 1,500 students across the county over the next several days to speak with them about this historic document.
“Recognizing that schools are required to instruct on the Constitution, we thought, ‘Who better to lead that discussion than judges who use the Constitution every day to ensure justice, fairness, and access for all.’ We know these 5th graders will soon be our jurors, lawyers, and even future judges and we want them to have a good understanding of the third branch of government.” said Judge Julia Alloggiamento, Chair of the Court’s Community Outreach Committee.
Constitution Day became a national observance in 2004 and federal law mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on or near September 17th about the history of the American Constitution.
Locally, Judges will donning their robes and heading out to numerous schools throughout the county to speak with over 1,500 5th grade students. Judges give a short grade-level appropriate presentation, followed by a quiz game and questions and answer session.
“We received overwhelming interest from the schools this year and we are thrilled be able to provide this outreach” said the Hon. Julia Alloggiamento. “This is just one of the many programs we provide to educate the public, from students to the elderly, about important issues such as separation of powers, judicial independence, and the justice system.”
The Court’s Community Outreach Committee plans numerous events throughout the year, including Constitution Day, Law Day, Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties, Educators Day, Clergy Day, and Read Across America, as well as providing a Speakers Program and Courthouse Visits.
Categorized in: Court Notices
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