The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara operates a Civil Clerk’s Office at 191 N. First Street, San José. This notice is to inform the public of the Superior Court’s decision to reduce business office and telephone hours on Fridays at the Civil Clerk’s Office.
Beginning Friday, May 5, 2017, and every Friday thereafter, the new office and telephone hours at the Civil Clerk’s Office will be 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The Court finds this action is necessary due to the significant and continuing cuts to the State Judicial Branch Budget. Since 2009, state funding for the judicial branch has been significantly reduced adversely impacting the budgets of individual superior courts. The modest increase in funding to the judicial branch proposed in the Governor’s Budget for FY 2017-18 does not make it fiscally feasible to keep the current business hours at the Civil Clerk’s Office.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you would like to submit comments about the proposed reductions, please send them to Rebecca Fleming, Court Executive Officer, 191 North First Street, San José, California 95113 by May 2, 2017.
For further information, please check the Superior Court website at www.scscourt.org
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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