The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara will be rescheduling its dedication ceremony for the new Family Justice Center Courthouse until after the building opens to the public on August 15, 2016.
The ceremony, originally scheduled for August 1st, has been postponed as the Court is still awaiting issuance of the final public occupancy certificate from the State Fire Marshal. While the Court believes it is possible that it will receive the Fire Marshal’s approval before the August 1st date, it was not willing to risk a last minute rescheduling of the event with the number of guests expected to attend.
“In deference to the schedules of those attending this event, the Court is not comfortable moving forward with the August 1st date previously set for our dedication ceremony without the final permit for the public to occupy the building firmly in place,” said Presiding Judge Risë Jones Pichon. “There is no concern that the building will be ready for the public opening on August 15th; however, we certainly do not want to invite guests to attend a dedication ceremony without the necessary permits to allow entry into the courthouse.”
“We would like to thank the Judicial Council of California, ZGF Architects, Hensel Phelps Construction and the State Fire Marshal for working so diligently to present the facility for our public opening; we are certainly looking forward to celebrating all of the work that has been put into this construction and to a dedication ceremony, on a future date to be determined.”
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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