Effective January 10, 2017, the San Francisco Superior Court will for the first time offer Tentative Rulings for Family Law matters on the Law & Motion and Child-Custody and Visitation calendars, Presiding Judge Teri L. Jackson announced today. This enhancement to Unified Family Court (UFC) operations is a result of new Local Rule 11.7(D)(3)(a), (b), and (c).
The Court’s goal in providing Family Law Tentative Rulings for Law & Motion and Child Custody and Visitation calendars is to allow litigants and attorneys to review the proposed rulings prior to their scheduled court hearing. The Tentative Rulings allow the parties to determine in advance if they need to appear for their scheduled court hearing the following day. If the parties agree with the Tentative Ruling, there is no further action required. The Tentative Ruling will become the order of the court. If they wish to contest the order, they may appear in court.
“We have experienced increased efficiency by offering Tentative Rulings for Civil matters including: Law & Motion/Discovery, Real Property Housing Court Motions, Asbestos Law & Motion, Asbestos Discovery, Asbestos Motion Calendar, and Probate,” Judge Jackson said. “This useful, efficient operational change will allow Family Law litigants who have matters on the Law & Motion and Child-Custody and Visitation calendars convenient and timely access to tentative court rulings. This change saves time and money for the Court, and most importantly, the parties.”
Family Law litigants and attorneys may obtain Tentative Rulings on the Law & Motion and Child-Custody and Visitation calendars, heard in Departments 403 and 404, from 2 to 4p.m. on the court day prior to the scheduled hearing by:
• Visiting the Court’s website at http://sfsuperiorcourt.org and clicking on the “OnlineServices” tab, or on the homepage under “Quick Links;”
• Calling (415) 551-3637; or
• Visiting the UFC Clerk’s Office at the Civic Center Courthouse, Room 402, and using the public access computers.
For confidential Family Law cases, the Tentative Rulings will not be posted online. Tentative Rulings in those matters can be obtained by calling (415) 551-3637.
If either party would like to present oral argument, they must contact the Department they are scheduled to appear – Department 403 call (415) 551-3741 or Dept 404 call (415) 551- 3744. The party requesting to present oral argument must also notice the opposing party by telephone, e-mail or text message by 4p.m. on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing.
To review the new Local Rule in its entirety visit the Court’s website at www.sfsuperiorcourt.org/general-info/local-rules.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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