May 16, 2016 – Criminal Charges Dropped Against Six Veterans After Successful VJC Program
Today six veterans successfully completed the Veterans Justice Court (VJC), one of San Francisco’s collaborative court programs that promotes public safety and helps defendants return to productive, crime-free lives.
“This is a special court that is a real asset to our City,” Presiding Judge John K. Stewart told the graduates today in the courtroom. “Judge Jeffrey Ross and the Veterans Justice Court Team have done a great job in helping all of you get back on track and lead the lives we know you want to live.”
Working with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Veterans Administration, San Francisco’s Veterans Justice Court provides drug treatment, job training, mental health counseling and other services to assist participants to overcome addiction, to repair family relationships, to secure and maintain housing and employment, to avoid reoffending and to return as productive members of society.
See full article at: http://www.sfsuperiorcourt.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/VJCGraduation_FINAL.pdf
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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