Effective January 1, 2016, the San Francisco Bench adopted a new local rule governing media access to our courthouses (not courtrooms) and courthouse facilities. This rule impacts hallways, employee work areas and other non-courtroom areas in our courthouse facilities. It does not impact courtroom access, which is governed by California Rule of Court 1.150.
Here are some highlights of the new rule:
In the Civic Center Courthouse (400 McAllister St.), with the exception of the 4th Floor, there are no longer any hallway restrictions for newsgathering. This means that you can film, record and broadcast in the hallways (not on the 4th floor where are Unified Family Court is located), lobby, and elevator bays. You are no longer limited to the designated media areas located on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th floors. (**Please note that under Rule 1.150(b)(3), “Court” means the courtroom at issue, the courthouse, and its entraces and exists, which gives judges the discretion to make orders regarding coverage in a specific case.)
You may not film, record or broadcast in employee work areas including clerks’ offices; jury assembly rooms; and the ACCESS Self-Help Center located on the 5th floor of the Civic Center Courthouse. There are other restrictions as well so please read the rule.
There is no filming, recording or broadcasting in the Juvenile Justice Center unless authorized by the Juvenile Probation Department.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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