The San Francisco Superior Court is expanding its mandatory e-filing program to include all Civil case types, except Limited Unlawful Detainer Cases and Small Claims cases, effective December 8, 2014, Court Executive Officer T. Michael Yuen announced today.
”This is a long-awaited advancement in our Court operations that will save time and money,” Yuen said. “The Court is complying with California Rule of Court 2.253 (b) with a system that offers multiple vendors the opportunity toe-file using an existing File & ServeXpress portal.”
In recognition of the change inherent in moving to a mandatory e-filing requirement for all General Civil case types after the initial filing, the Court has selected three third- party filers in addition to File & ServeXpress, to provide litigants or attorneys with the ability to electronically submit subsequent filings in all General Civil case types. The vendors are Nationwide Legal File & Serve, Inc.; Freewheelin’ Attorney Service; and Nor Cal Courier & Legal Services (http: //sfsuperiorcourt. org/sites/default/files/i mages/Revised %2 OSelected%20 EFSP%2 Olist 0.Pdf).
In addition to General Civil case types, File & ServeXpress will continue to serve as the approved vendor for asbestos cases, complex litigation cases, and probate trust cases. File &
ServeXpress also will continue to serve as the agent of the Clerk to collect statutory filing fees.
File & ServeXpress will provide free training to law firms on thee-filing system and services, and also will provide free technical support to third-party filers. For questions about available vendors and how to e-file in San Francisco, visit http:Uinfo.fileandservexpress.com/sanfrancisco/welcome. To sign up for training, visit http://info.fileandservexpress.com/san-francisco/training.
After the initial pleadings open the file, e-filing will be mandatory for all subsequent pleadings. Self-represented parties and “non-parties” may e-file, but will not be required to do so.
E-filing rules are contained in San Francisco Superior Court local rule 2.10.
The Civil e-filing expansion is a key element of the Court’s Electronic Information Management (EIM) project, managed by Civil Administrator Wayne Parinas and Court Manager Regina Dennis, and overseen by Presiding Judge Cynthia Ming-mei Lee and CEO Yuen. The project, which began in March 2013, is aligned to the Court’s strategic plan and aims to use technology to improve service to the public, save money and reduce paper use.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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