Judge Ronald Evans Quidachay Served as PJ of Muni and Superior Courts
SAN FRANCISCO -– After an enduring legacy of firsts, notable accomplishments and service to San Francisco, Judge Ronald Evans Quidachay is retiring after nearly 40 years on the bench, Presiding Judge Teri L. Jackson announced today.
“Judge Quidachay guided staff and fellow jurists through the turbulent transition that unified the Municipal and Superior courts, was the only Judge who served as Presiding Judge of both the Municipal and Superior courts, co-chaired the committee that oversaw the planning and building of the Civic Center Courthouse – a project that came in under-budget – and these are just some of his notable accomplishments,” Judge Jackson said. “As the first Judge of Filipino descent to be appointed in Northern California, his contributions and dedication to the judicial branch and particularly the San Francisco courts are unparalleled.”
Judge Quidachay looks forward to spending time with his family, especially his wife, who supported him during his demanding career, and his new grandchildren in Hawaii and Michigan.
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