Due to prior budget reductions, the San Diego Superior Court ceased providing official court reporters in family law cases for most proceedings. An exception was made in Local Family Rule 5.1.8 for certain proceedings, including Domestic Violence Restraining Order hearings and Request for Order hearings of 40 minutes or less. Given further budget reductions and restrictions faced by the San Diego Superior Court in fiscal year 2017/2018, the Court has determined that it will need to further limit the proceedings for which the Court will provide official court reporters.
Therefore, effective September 5, 2017, the Court will no longer provide official court reporters in family law matters for Domestic Violence Restraining Order hearings (“DVRO Hearings”) or for Request for Order hearings of 40 minutes or less (“RFO Hearings”). The portions of Local Family Law Rules 5.1.8 and 5.5.1 to the contrary will be suspended and superseded by General Order.
This change applies to all DVRO and RFO Hearings held on or after September 5, 2017. The Court will establish a procedure for refunding court reporter deposits already made for these types of hearings in pending cases.
Information on how to arrange and pay for a certified shorthand reporter where the Court does not provide one is posted on the Court Reporter page at www.sdcourt.ca.gov. The Court’s current policy re normal availability and unavailability of official of court reporters in family cases is also located on that page.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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