The San Diego Superior Court is currently undergoing a major upgrade of its Case Management System for Traffic/Minor Offense cases. The implementation will lead to a planned disruption of online services. This disruption will occur for two weeks between October 18 and October 24.
The following Online Services will be unavailable during this time frame
• Ability to make any payments including;
o Fines or Bail
o Payments on payment plans
• Ability to request an Extension of Appearance Date (Continuance).
• Ability to request Traffic School.
• Ability to schedule a Court Appearance.
• Ability to schedule a Business Office Appointment
• Ability to establish a new payment plan.
With the implementation of the new case management system, the public will no longer be able to make payments or requests via the Automated Telephone System. Traffic Court self-service will now only be available via the web. The public will still be able to make payments via phone conversations with the staff but no more self-service payments via phone.
The court is anticipating long lines\waits due to the disruption of online services. The public is urged to plan early when making payments or requests normally offered online. Alternative options are to appear in person, use the Express Drop Box at court locations, use mail, fax or call the appropriate Court location. For location, business hours and further information refer to the Court’s website at https:\\www.sdcourt.ca.gov. No other public website services are anticipated to be disrupted during the transition.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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