Longtime San Diego resident, Jeff Bryson, has been selected to serve as chairperson of the 2017/2018 San Diego County Grand Jury. Bryson, 74, and eighteen other Grand Jurors officially began their Grand Jury service on Monday, July 10, 2017.
The retired San Diego State University psychology professor has lived in the county 48 years and says that is one of the reasons he applied for the Grand Jury, “I thought that, after enjoying the many benefits of living here for so many years, I should do something to benefit the community in return. The Grand Jury is an institution dedicated to keeping San Diego an efficient, effective, progressive community, a voice for citizens to be heard by the large, sometimes impersonal agencies that keep the county moving. I applied for the position of Foreperson because I thought that my experiences and training would be useful in overseeing the operations of the jury. The Grand Jury hopes to conduct investigations and develop recommendations that can improve the functioning of our county and make it a better place for all of us.”
The California Constitution mandates a County Grand Jury that provides for a group of 19 citizens of the County to be brought together and to dedicate a year of full-time “watchdog” service looking into the workings of the local government.
Bryson hopes others will follow the examples of those who applied this year for the Grand Jury by applying for future spots on the panel, “To anyone contemplating service on the Grand Jury, I would say that it is a demanding but important and fulfilling job and a great way to play a role in keeping San Diego great.”
The new Grand Jurors, six women and thirteen men, were randomly drawn from a total of 90 San Diego County residents. The names and occupations of the selected 2017/2018 Grand Jurors are listed below:
Categorized in: Court Notices
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