The San Diego Superior Court has announced it will not start moving staff and services into the New Central Courthouse in mid-July as originally announced. The Court was set to open its doors for Jury Services, Family and Probate operations on July 17th with more services moving over in continual weeks. The decision to delay the move was made because of the need for additional testing of the fire-life system in the 71-courtroom, 704,000 square foot facility.
“The building’s fire alarm and sprinkler systems have been tested and approved. However, it was necessary to reprogram the fire control panel. Because of that reprogramming, the State Fire Marshal wants us to re-test the building’s smoke dampers. This is a timeconsuming process as there are 1,100 dampers in the smoke exhaust system and each test takes between 15 to 20 minutes each. The prudent approach to ensure proper testing is to delay the move,” says Presiding Judge Jeffrey B. Barton.
No set date has been given to restart the move process although it’s estimated operations can begin transferring services in early Fall. In the meantime, Court is working on ways to redirect those who come to the new Central Courthouse in July.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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