Pursuant to Government Code § 68106 and Rule 10.620 of the California Rules of Court, the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, is providing 60 days’ notice that it will be discontinuing the handling of unlawful detainer cases at the North County location of the San Diego Superior Court.
Beginning Tuesday, September 5, 2017, Department 8 at the North County Regional Center, located at 325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081, will no longer hear unlawful detainer cases. At the same time, the unlawful detainer business office and related clerical operations in the North County Regional Center will be transferred to the Hall of Justice, at 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101. Beginning September 5, 2017, all unlawful detainer filings for the County of San Diego must be made at the Hall of Justice, and all unlawful detainer cases county wide will be heard in the Central Division.
These actions are necessary due to the new and ongoing funding reductions imposed on this court and the state judicial branch budget. Since 2007-08, the operating budget of this court has been reduced by $32 million dollars and this Court faces a $6 million deficit in FY 2017-2018. As a result of these funding reductions, the Court must further reduce the services it provides to bring expenditures in line with funding.
The Court is inviting public comment on this change prior to implementation. To ensure prompt review and consideration, comments should be submitted electronically through the Court’s website at www.sdcourt.ca.gov (click on “Invitation to Comment”). For those without easy internet access, comments may be mailed to: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 W. Broadway, Executive Office, San Diego, CA 92101, attention Michael Roddy, Court Executive Officer.
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