The San Diego Superior Court is alerting members of the public about an improvement project that may delay access into the North County courthouse located at 325 South Melrose Drive in Vista.
A major county-funded parking lot enhancement plan at the North County Regional Center is expected to begin on Monday, July 15th. The project, which has been segmented into multiple phases to lessen impacts, will block access to approximately 120 parking spaces in front of the South Building when it begins. That area of the parking lot is normally filled with residents who report for jury duty because of its proximity to the Jury Lounge entrance.
“We hope to alert people to the project. We want to ensure court users get to their appointments and jurors are able to report in on time. We suggest members of the public give themselves a little extra time to find a parking space and walk to the South Entrance starting on the 15th, says Michael Roddy the Court’s Executive Officer.
As the project progresses, parking spaces in front of other entrances will be impacted. Court officials will monitor the improvement process in case other public alerts are required
Categorized in: Court Notices
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