On August 25, 2017, the San Bernardino Superior Court will begin using a new method to summons residents for jury service. The court will send prospective jurors postcards that will provide instructions for accessing online resources at the court, making jury service easier, faster, and more convenient.
The postcards will include the essential information jurors need, such as the date and location they are to appear for jury service, as well as information for accessing the Jury Web (www.sb-court.org/JuryInformation). Jury Web is an online service that allows jurors to: complete their Juror Questionnaire electronically; elect to receive notifications regarding juror status and reporting instructions via phone call, text, and/or email; obtain a verification slip for each day of service; and defer jury service to a more convenient date. Prospective jurors who do not have access to the internet may complete the questionnaire using a kiosk or paper form when they report for jury service.
Using the postcard summons in lieu of a summons in an envelope will improve court services for our jurors and reduce printing and postage costs by an estimated $24,000 per year. This change also advances the court’s efforts to expand opportunities for the public to conduct business with the court by going online, instead of waiting in-line at the courthouse.
For more information about the San Bernardino Superior Court jury system, visit the court’s website at www.sb-court.org/JuryInformation or call Jury Administration Services at (909) 884-1858.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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