The Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino, will sponsor a Court–Clergy Conference on May 3, 2017, from 8 am until 4 pm in San Bernardino.
The conference “Courts & Kids & Clergy-Children in the Court System in San Bernardino County” will focus on children and the courts. Presentations will be made by judges and court personnel to provide clergy and religious leaders with information on children who become involved with the court system through juvenile dependency and foster care, as a result of parental abuse or neglect, juvenile delinquency, custody and child support as a result of marriage dissolution or parental separation and guardianships.
The court will provide an overview of court processes and resources for clergy when counseling or ministering to their congregants who are children or whose children are involved in the court system.
In addition, the program will include presentations on requirements for relative foster care placement, juvenile probation and community service, court-appointed special advocates, and truancy and school attendance review boards.
Guest speakers have been invited to address immigration and children and mandatory reporting of child abuse incidents for clergy members.
The conference will be held at the pastoral center for the Diocese of San Bernardino in San Bernardino.
Clergy and religious leaders interested in attending should contact Diana Gonzalez at rsvp@sb-court.org. Deadline to register is Thursday, April 20, 2017 and an RSVP is required to attend.
Members of the press with questions or requesting additional information should contact Judge Cynthia Ludvigsen at 909-521-3447 or Commissioner Winston Keh, 909-269-8921.
Categorized in: Court Notices
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