The Riverside County Superior Court will celebrate Juror Appreciation Week, May 9-13, 2016, to recognize the service and participation of jurors from our local community. This year’s theme is Jury Service: a duty and a privilege. Recognition for jurors during the second week in May was established by a special resolution passed by the California Legislature in 1998 to acknowledge the important contributions of citizens who devote their time and effort in “making the cherished right of trial by jury a reality”.
“Jurors serve our community and those who need access to justice, which includes the right to a trial where they can be heard and judged by their peers,” said Presiding Judge Harold W. Hopp. “In recognition of this valuable service, the judicial branch has worked to ease the inconvenience of jury duty with improvements like one-day or one-trial service, plain-language jury instructions, and new innovative technologies that enhance service through text and phone reminders. We want each and every juror to know how much their participation and contribution to our American system of justice is appreciated.”
Millions of Californians participate in jury service each year:
• Approximately 10 million people are summoned;
• Approximately 3 million prospective jurors complete jury service, either in-person or by phone. Nearly 130,000 jurors are sworn in as trial jurors;
• Most prospective jurors (80%) complete their service in one day.
Various commemorative items will be provided to jurors during the week as a ‘thank you’ for their service.
For more information about jury duty, please call (951) 275-5076 or (760) 342-
6264, or visit our website at http://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/jury/index.shtml.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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