Attorneys seeking appointment as temporary judges must first complete a course on judicial demeanor. The course trains prospective temporary judges in topics such as: bench conduct, demeanor, and decorum; access, fairness, and elimination of bias; and adjudicating cases involving self-represented parties. Attorneys continuing to serve as temporary judges must re-take a course on the same subjects every three years. The Riverside Superior Court’s Temporary Judge Program is offering the Judicial Demeanor Course as follows:
DATE: December 2, 2016 TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration starts at 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: City of Banning Council Chambers 99 East Ramsey Street Banning, CA 92220
Participants receive three hours of MCLE credit and written seminar materials. There is no charge to participants, but pre-registration is required.
To register for the class, please contact: Amelia Butts at (951) 777-3555 or e-mail Amelia.Butts@riverside.courts.ca.gov.
The application to be appointed as a temporary judge may be obtained from the court’s website at: http://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/tempjudgeprgm_appl.pdf.
Other Temporary Judge Training:
In addition to three hours of live training in Judicial Demeanor, CRC Rule 2.812, et seq., requires Temporary Judges to receive three hours of training in Judicial Ethics. Temporary Judges are also required to receive training on the substantive law in each subject area in which the attorney will serve as a temporary judge, e.g., Civil Harassment, Small Claims Court, Unlawful Detainer, Family Law, and Traffic.
Online training in Judicial Ethics and areas of substantive law have been prepared by the Judicial Council of California and may be completed at no cost and when most convenient to you. Please visit the Judicial Council of California website: http://www2.courtinfo.ca.gov/protem/ for access to these courses and for additional information. If you take these online courses before attending the live course on December 2, 2016, please bring copies of the Certificates of Completion and the application with you as this will expedite the certification process.
Please Note: The decision to appoint any attorney as a Temporary Judge is within the discretion of the Presiding Judge. For further information on requirements, disqualification, etc., see CRC, Rules 2.810 – 819, 10.740 -10.746; Code of Ethics, Canon 6D.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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