On May 13, 2019, the Court launched the new Online Appointment application which integrates with the existing queuing kiosks at select court locations. The new application allows court customers to schedule online appointments to discuss a traffic related issue or a payment/collection issue. The application is user friendly and allows customers to schedule an appointment from a computer or smart device 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, thereby avoiding lengthy travel to and from courthouses and long wait times in line.
The application can be accessed via the Court’s website under the Traffic and Enhanced Collections Divisions. After accepting the Online Appointment Agreement, a customer will be able to book an appointment or change/cancel a preexisting appointment. Once the customer selects the desired court location, service area, date and time, he/she will complete their personal information and book the appointment. The customer will immediately receive a confirmation which can be printed and used to quickly check-in at the court location by scanning the two-dimensional barcode at the available kiosks. Appointment confirmations and reminders are also sent for each appointment.
The court continues to implement new technologies so that citizens needing to access the court system experience a more timely and efficient process.
To make an appointment or view the application, please visit the Court’s website at: https://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/traffic/traffic.shtml (traffic) and https://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/ecd/ecd.shtml (collections).
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