The recent appointment of a new judge to the Riverside Superior Court fills the last of Riverside’s 90 allocated judicial positions. Once this new judge comes on board, the court will open its 22nd criminal trial department. With the assistance of 8 civil judges who are also trying criminal cases in addition to their civil calendars, the court now has as many as 30 courtrooms available to try criminal trials, the largest number of criminal trial courtrooms the court has ever been able to operate. In total, 42 departments are dedicated to handling the criminal caseload in Riverside County, 48% of our total allocation. The Riverside Superior Court has always been challenged with being under-judged relative to the legal needs of our population. New judicial positions have not kept pace with the dramatic growth experienced in the inland empire over the last decade, and despite the addition of four new judicial positions in the Governor’s current budget, Riverside is still 22 judges short of the number necessary to handle the legal needs of our community.
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