Did You Know?
Rule 1.07(B) Timely Appearance of Counsel and Required Notification Except as set forth herein, once the attorney appears on a matter, the attorney shall not leave the department to which the matter has been assigned until the matter has been called and all proceedings scheduled for that matter have concluded.
Rule 1.08(A) Required Attorney Notification for Unopposed and Dropped Matters If an attorney will not oppose a motion filed by opposing counsel, that attorney shall promptly so notify opposing counsel and the clerk of the bench officer before whom the matter is set.
Rule 1.11(C) General Courtroom Behavior Persons in the Courtroom shall not: Eat, drink, chew gum, or read newspapers.
Rule 1.14 Examination From Counsel Table Counsel, and parties appearing in propria persona, shall remain at a lectern or behind the counsel table when examining a witness. During trial, counsel shall not exhibit familiarity with witnesses, parties or other counsel, nor address them by use of first names (except children).
Rule 11.05 Continuances (Traffic Infraction Trials) No continuance of a trial shall be permitted unless the party requesting the continuance requests the same at least five (5) working days in advance of the trial date. No continuance will be granted thereafter unless the interest of justice shall so require.
Rule 15.05 Time for Submitting Orders and Affidavits of Publication (Probate Rules) All orders prepared by the moving party and affidavits of publication shall be filed or lodged with the clerk at least three (3) court days before the date of hearing.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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