Did You Know?
Random Local Rules of Court (Alameda County)
Rule 1.6 Judge’s Vacation Day – A day of vacation for a judge of the court is an approved absence for one full business day.
Rule 1.8 Facsimile Filing – . . . Facsimile filing will not be available in any case type in which electronic filing is available.
Rule 3.26 Notice of Death – Within ten calendar days of receiving notice of a party’s death, counsel for the deceased party must file a Notice of Death with the court and serve it upon all other parties.
Rule 5.80 Child Custody Evaluation (a) Challenge of the Evaluator – No peremptory challenge of a child custody evaluator appointed by the court is permitted.
Rule 5.504 Calendaring and Continuances (a) Setting matters – No matter may be set for a certain day without the prior approval of the judge in the department.
Rule 7.175 Minimum Bond for Out-of-State Personal Representative – All petitions for the appointment of an out-of-state personal representative, and all proposed orders appointing an out-of-state personal representative, must include a minimum bond in the amount of $20,000.00.
Guideline for Attorney Fees – Unlawful Detainers – In any civil action for unlawful detainer when judgment is obtained by default or uncontested trial, the minimum fee is $375.00.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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