Frequently Asked Questions


We’ve provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about LPI below.  Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.

How much does it cost to join Legal Professionals, Inc. (LPI)?
Each local association has a set dues structure, which includes LPI per capita tax (dues). Generally, the dues are no more than $60 per year, which includes local association membership and LPI membership—it’s a two-for-one deal. You can also join LPI as a Member-at-Large (not a member of a local association). LPI dues are $75 per year.
What is the difference between joining a local association and being a Member-at-Large?
Legal professionals may join LPI as a Member-at-Large if a local association is not within a reasonable distance. Both Members-at-Large and members of local associations are eligible for all LPI benefits. Local association members have the added value of attending educational meetings and networking with other legal professionals in their area. Local association members are members of that specific association and LPI. Members-at-Large are members of LPI only.
Where do I go to become a member of a local association or a Member at Large?
On the LPI website, under Membership, select Become a Member. Verify you meet the qualifications to become a member and then click Apply for Local Association Membership or Apply for LPI Member-at-Large Membership. Complete the application phase, submit payment, and your membership into LPI has started.
I do not live in California, but I am interested in membership and the educational opportunities. What do I need to do?
You do not need to be a member of LPI to take advantage of LPI’s classes, webinars, and study courses, to attend conferences, to purchase educational publications, etc.; however, members do receive a significant discounted price. In order to be a member of LPI, a person must be “directly engaged in work of a legal nature in California.” (LPI Bylaw Article V, Section 1(a).) If you meet that qualification, you may apply for membership as a Member-at-Large.
If I become a member of LPI near the end of LPI’s fiscal year (fiscal year ends April 30), can my membership fees be applied to the next fiscal year (which begins on May 1)?
Yes, members who join through the LPI Portal between March 1 and April 30 will be considered “New Members” and will be considered “Continuing Members” beginning May 1st (without collecting further dues) and reported as same for the new fiscal year.
Does LPI offer student or associate memberships?
Student and associate memberships may be available through certain subchapters (local associations) of LPI. Please check with the local association(s) in your area or visit their website(s).
What educational opportunities are available?
LPI offers multiple educational opportunities. Our Legal Technology Training classes are designed to develop and build up your technical skills and are available at a reduced rate for LPI members. Classes include Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe, Best Authority, Tips and Tricks and Much More! Our Continuing Legal Education program covers the gamut when it comes to procedural and training topics, whether you need education/training at the beginning level or you are a seasoned professional. These live workshops and webinars offer a wide range of choices. As a benefit of membership in LPI, ALL live workshops and webinars offered under the Continuing Education Silo are FREE to LPI members. Multi-week study courses are also offered under the name “LPI University” and some courses are administered in real time via Zoom; while others are offered in an online, study-at-your-own-pace, platform. LPI Members Always Receive the Member Rate for these multi-week courses. Current multi-week courses include: Beginning Legal Secretary Training, Overview of California State Discovery, Intermediate Legal Professionals Training, Trial Preparation, Advanced Discovery, and Advanced Legal Training.
I missed a webinar. Can I watch it later?
YES. LPI has an On-Demand Library, which contains approximately 100 recorded webinars on a myriad of legal procedures, technology, and continuing education topics. Group rates are available for office-wide training or multiple viewers.

Do you offer free webinars and seminars for LPI members?
YES. Our Continuing Legal Education committee puts on live webinars and seminars that are FREE with your LPI membership.

Is LPI an accredited university?
No. LPI is not an accredited university. We categorize our multi-week study courses under the name “LPI University," as each course uses a textbook, requires the submission of homework, taking quizzes, and the completion of a final examination. Some of our multi-week training courses are: Trial Preparation, Advanced Discovery, Beginning Legal Secretary Training, Intermediate Legal Professional Training, and Advanced Legal Professional Training. LPI members can attend the multi-week classes at a significant discount.

Does LPI offer technology training?
Yes. Our technology classes include training in Microsoft Office suite (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel), Adobe Acrobat, Best Authority, tips and tricks, and more. LPI members can attend the multi-week classes at a significant discount.
Does LPI have publications available for purchase?
Yes! Our publications are written and updated by a committee known as the “Publications Revision Committee" (PRC) consisting of legal professionals actively working in the industry. Publications include The Law Office Procedures Manual (LOPM), a procedural handbook for California courts, and an ideal training manual for new legal staff; The Legal Professionals Handbook (LPH), to The Legal Professional’s Handbook (LPH), the most clear, concise procedural handbook for California courts on the market with cross-references to code sections and other legal publications; and The Legal Secretary’s Reference Guide, a legal procedure guide designed for training office personnel and to be used as a general reference for experienced staff.

All LPI members also receive The Legal Professional Magazine on a quarterly basis as part of their membership and have the option of subscribing to “The Podium” Legal Blog, which is published monthly and includes general court updates and other legal procedure offerings.
Do I need to be a member to access the blog?
No. Simply click Become an E-Subscriber to sign up to receive our notifications.
Do I need to be a member to submit an article for the blog?
No. Anyone can submit an article as long as it is relevant to the legal industry by way of creating a general interest post for legal professionals, or if you have an area of expertise in the legal industry that can be used to submit a legal procedure post. Just contact our Legal Procedure chair for any additional questions about content for our blog.
Can I forward you an article I read to post on your blog?
We prefer to have original content. If you read an article that you liked, you can write about what you learned, or about the information you found that would be useful to others. We want to avoid copyright infringement issues. Although some sites encourage sharing their information, most require permission and acknowledgment for using their content.
Is there a word limit to your blog posts?
No, there is no word limit. Blogs are meant to share information, ideas, and knowledge. No post is too small or too big. We just want to make sure that the article is long enough for the reader to get the information they need.
Can our local association receive Chapter Achievement points for submitting a blog article?
Yes. 50 points will be awarded to those that submit original content for posting.
What is the California Certified Legal Secretary (CCLS) program?
The CCLS is a certification program sponsored by LPI. To attain certification, a rigorous 8-hour exam must be passed, and to keep certification active, CCLSs must accrue 15 continuing education hours every three years.
When is the CCLS exam offered?
Twice a year in March and September.

Click here to apply.
What are the qualifications for taking the CCLS Exam?
Two years of experience in a law firm or equivalent.