The Placer County Superior Court is pleased to announce the start of a new program to assist self-represented litigants involved in Family Law cases. “Self-Help Settlement Services” will begin on Monday, June 3rd, 2019. The new program will be available for Family Law cases in which one or both parties are self-represented. Eligible self-represented parties will have the opportunity to set settlement-focused appointments with the Self-Help Center staff. The settlement services provided will include all issues except for those related to child custody, visitation, or domestic violence. Child custody and visitation services will remain accessible through the Family Court Services Office of the court. Also, onsite Child Custody Mediation will remain accessible every Thursday morning, by agreement, for matters involving domestic violence.
Settlement Services were developed as part of an expansion of the Court’s Self-Help Center, and will, over time, provide a variety of options that fall within the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Family Law.
“Access to Justice is one of the primary missions of the court. The newly created Self-Help Settlement Services provides another opportunity, for parties in contested family law matters, to reach a full and fair resolution by agreement. We look forward to this new program and service assisting families and children in need. On behalf of the Court, I want to thank the Executive Board of the Family Law Section of the Placer County Bar Association, the attorney members of the Family Law Section and our Court’s Administrative staff for their cooperation and diligent work in making this new program and service available to the public.” said Presiding Judge Alan V. Pineschi of the Placer Superior Court.
For more information about the Settlement Services provided, please see the Self-Help section of the court’s website.
Categorized in: Court Notices
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