Effective July 1st, 2015, the court is temporarily suspending the ability to schedule family law and family support appearances through the online Telephonic Appearance System. The Court is updating the system for such appearances, with the expectation that online appointments will be resumed on January 1, 2016. The system will remain in place for General Civil, Probate, and Guardianship cases.
Effective July 1, 2015, parties wishing to appear telephonically for a family law hearing must file the newly modified Local Form PL-FL016: Request for Telephonic Appearance (Family Law). Parties wishing to appear telephonically for a family support hearing must file Judicial Council Form FL-679: Request for Telephonic Appearance (Governmental).
Judicial approval to appear telephonically will be required for certain hearing types. Information detailing which hearing types require judicial approval is located in the Family Law & Family Support section on the Telephonic Appearance page of the court’s public website (http://www.placer.courts.ca.gov/telephonic.html).
Please contact the Family Law Division with any questions at 916-408-6000.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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