1. Pursuant to Civil Code of Procedure section 411.20(g), and Government Code sections 71386 and 6159(g), the Court may impose an administrative charge for a check that is returned without payment by the bank in an amount not to exceed the actual costs incurred by the Court.
A Payment Recovery Fee of $45 will be assessed for any payment returned for any instance of:
a) Non-sufficient funds (NSF)
b) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Chargebacks
c) Credit Card Chargebacks
2. Pursuant to Penal Code section 1203.4, the Court may be reimbursed a fee of up to $150.00 for costs associated with processing a petition to the Court to dismiss charges.
This fee will increase from $120.00 to $150.00.
3. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 2.506(a), the Court may impose fees for the costs of providing public access to its electronic records, under Government Code section 68150(l).
See full notice at: http://www.occourts.org/general-public/notices/general/2017-06-08_Notice_FeeChanges.pdf
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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