Per Circuit Rule 27-3, if a movant needs relief in less than 21 days to avoid irreparable harm, the movant must notify the court. Starting on Monday, October 29, 2018, filers can either call 415.355.8020 and leave a voicemail or send an email to emergency@ca9.uscourts.gov.
Notice to the court should include at a minimum:
o Your case number (if you have one)
o Your name and contact info, including best phone number
o Date that relief is needed
o Date that emergency motion will be filed
Ideally, notice would also include:
o Description of the harm that will occur absent relief
o Explanation of why the harm irreparable
o Opposing counsel’s name and contact info, including best phone number
If you leave a voicemail or send an email during business hours, the court will let you know promptly if further information about your emergency motion is needed.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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