Monterey County Superior Court is pleased to announce the second phase launch of its new case management system, called Odyssey, in criminal and traffic case types. This modern case management system, previously implemented October 2015 in civil, probate, family law, child support, small claims, mental health, and juvenile case types, is being deployed in criminal and traffic case types on Monday, June 19, 2017.
The Odyssey system replaces a legacy case management system, Sustain, originally installed in Monterey County Superior Court in 2001. Combined with a move to an electronic filing (e-filing) system, Odyssey moves the Court closer to a paperless system, which will provide increased efficiencies and enhanced public access to court programs and services. Launched in April 2016 for civil, family, probate, and juvenile case types, the e-filing system makes non-confidential filings immediately available for public viewing through the public access portal at the courthouse. In the interim, paper filings in criminal and traffic case types will be scanned in by Court personnel who will upload an electronic copy of the filing into the Odyssey system. Filings will then be immediately available internally to judicial officers, the clerk’s Office, courtroom clerks and other personnel, thereby accelerating internal processes. Additionally, the Court continues to work with justice partners such as the offices of the Monterey County District Attorney, Public Defender and Probation to create data interfaces with Odyssey.
Presiding Judge Mark E. Hood said, “This is a significant and exciting advancement for the court, which most importantly improves access to justice for the community we are here to serve. I am eager to see the foundation laid for becoming a full service electronic court and am certain this worthy investment in a modern case management system will help the Court realize this vision.”
The Court purchased the Odyssey product for approximately $1.3M. Overall, the Court saved approximately $500K on the original $1.8M price tag for Odyssey by absorbing a significant portion of the development and testing internally. As part of this cost saving effort, the Court engaged in a unique collaboration with the Napa and Santa Clara Superior Courts, permitting a concerted review of court processes aimed at identifying best practices. The collaboration has resulted in cost savings for each of the courts.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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