The Marin County Superior Court is looking for a resident of Marin County to serve as a citizen representative on the Marin County Board of Parole Commissioners. The Board consists of the Sheriff, the Probation Supervisor and a citizen member, not a public official, selected by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court.
The mission of the Marin County Board of Parole Commissioners is to allow offenders with jail sentences the opportunity to become productive citizens via early controlled release programs based on treatment and rehabilitation. The Marin County Parole Program was adopted in 1988 by the Marin County Board of Supervisors to relieve jail overcrowding and provide defendants the opportunity to successfully integrate into the community using effective evidence based supervision tools that have been proven to minimize risk and maintain public safety.
The citizen representative is a part time, volunteer position that requires a two year commitment. One year serving as the primary representative and one year serving as an alternate representative.
Responsibilities include preparation for – and attendance at – weekly parole board hearings and review of parole summaries. The Board meets regularly each Wednesday morning at the Marin County Jail, starting at 8:00 a.m.
You may obtain an application by visiting our website at www.marincourt.org. Go to the Homepage and click on the heading under News from the Court entitled, “OPENING ON MARIN COUNTY BOARD OF PAROLE COMMISSIONERS”. Please attach your resume and proof of Marin County residency. Those considered for the position will be subject to a background check. Please email or mail your completed application and supplemental information to administration@marincourt.org no later than August 16, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. You may also request a fillable version of the application by mail or email at: Marin County Superior Court, P.O. Box 4988, San Rafael, CA 94913-4988, (415) 444-7020, administration@marincourt.org.
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