Location: San Diego, California
Established: 1931
This November, San Diego Legal Secretaries Association (SDLSA) will celebrate its 92nd year of supporting and educating San Diego’s finest legal secretaries and legal professionals. SDLSA works with the local courts, attorneys, local and statewide legal associations and other leaders in the legal community to provide quality educational programs, networking opportunities, and mentorship for its members.
SDLSA was formed on November 7, 1931, with 26 charter members. Virginia Caperton was the association’s first president and served a two-year term. SDLSA was among the first three associations to form a state association in California. SDLSA, along with the local associations of Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Pasadena attended the first official board meeting of the California Federation of Legal Secretaries on December 8, 1934. Here the first officers of the state group were elected.
The California Federation of Legal Secretaries was incorporated as Legal Secretaries, Incorporated in July 1940.
Over the years, numerous SDLSA members have served (and do serve) as LSI/LPI chairs, committee members, and appointed officers. LSI’s first president was SDLSA’s own Louise Cord (1934–1936). Louise was also one of our local association’s charter members. SDLSA member Rhoda C. Spencer, PLS, CCLS, served as LSI’s president (1982–1984); as did Kay J. Thornburg’s (2002–2004).
SDLSA has a very strong Beginning Legal Secretary program as well as a popular CCLS Study Group. Both of these events have not only served our membership but have served as an avenue to attract several new members.
The association has a strong history of community involvement, including sponsoring and assisting Couture for a Cause with its annual dinner/fundraiser; attending job fairs at local schools; volunteering at the San Diego High School Mock Trial Competition; and hosting pancake breakfasts for military families. SDLSA cherishes its relationships with the local legal service providers that have been built over the years.
SDLSA has evolved and grown over the years. Prior to March 2020, our members were used to meeting in person on a monthly basis. During the lockdown, SDLSA adopted an online platform in order to continue with monthly board meetings and membership meetings. Now with some members working in offices, some working remotely, and some having a hybrid work situation–SDLSA has once again adapted by not only meeting in person but offering our members the opportunity to attend our monthly memberships remotely.
The association continues to provide its members with opportunities for growth and education, networking and friendship; and contributing to the local legal community.
Current Board:
Yolanda Gollaz
Vice President/Executive Advisor
Carla Clark, CCLS
Heather Lawson, CCLS
Elizabeth Kennedy
Audrey Alonso, CCLS
Anne Lee, CCLS
Lisa Preciado
Elizabeth Adame, CCLS
Linda Gubba-Reiner, CCLS
Categorized in: General
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