The Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, located at 210 W. Temple St., Los Angeles 90012 begins using new telephone numbers on Friday, April3, 2015.
Over the next several months, the Los Angeles Superior Court will install a new telephone system and new telephone numbers will be assigned to 35 courthouses. The transition will occur courthouse-by-courthouse.
Telephone numbers at the Downey Courthouse, East Los Angeles Courthouse, and the Gov. George Deukmejian Courthouse in Long Beach will remain the same as will the ‘800’ number for Juror Services and the automated numbers for general traffic inquiries.
As each courthouse transitions into the new telephone system, its new telephone numbers will be available in the courthouse Clerk’s Office and on the Court’s website at www.lacourt.org. Interested persons may also follow LASC on its Twitter account @ lasuperiorcourt for updates.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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