Effective as of the dates listed below, the Los Angeles Superior Court’s Northeast and North Central Districts announce changes to judicial assignments in both the Pasadena and Glendale Courthouses. The Pasadena Courthouse is located at 300 E. Walnut, Pasadena, 91101. The Glendale Courthouse is located at 600 E. Broadway, Glendale 91206.
Effective Feb. 8, 2016:
Judge Theresa M. Traber is assigned to Dept. NE K, a family law courtroom in Pasadena.
Effective Feb. 10, 2016:
Judge Ralph Hofer is reassigned from Dept. NE K at the Pasadena Courthouse to the Glendale Courthouse, Dept. D, an unlimited civil courtroom.
All matters currently calendared in those departments shall remain scheduled on the dates and times set unless otherwise notified.
Counsel and parties are instructed to identify the assigned judicial officer and department number beneath the case number on the first page of all documents filed with the clerk to ensure proper departmental assignment, calendaring of hearings, and distribution of documents.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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