Effective March 1, 2016, Los Angeles Superior Court’s online services for traffic matters, found on the Court’s website www.lacourt.org, will be available in six languages: English, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The services are currently provided in English and Spanish.
Identified as being the top-five non-English languages for which the Los Angeles Superior Court is asked to provide language assistance (including Spanish), the addition of the new translations to the Court’s traffic pages will provide an enhanced experience for users wishing to utilize the services in their first languages.
The services for which translations have been provided are:
• Pay and close your ticket
• Request a payment plan
• Request an extension
• Request traffic school
• Reserve a court date
• Check ticket status
In addition, the automated assistant has also been updated to provide audio assistance in all six languages. The automated assistant walks the user through various screens providing information and prompts that aid the user with the completion of the service requested.
These changes contribute to the Court’s campaign encouraging users to “Get online, not in line!
Traffic online services and much more can be found on the Court’s website at www.lacourt.org.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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